Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Message from Mrs. Jenkins. . . .

Dear Rocky Branch families,

Thanks so much for participating in our art program fundraiser through Square ONE Art!  All orders have been distributed at school on Thursday, November 30.  Contact me ( if you have any questions or concerns with your order.  Please see the information below if you want to order any more items throughout the year.
Happy Holidays!

Stephanie Jenkins

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Message from our School Counselor, Mrs. Porter . . .

Three reminders from our School Counselor, Mrs. Porter . . .

1. It's Secret Santa Time!  
If you would like to help with this year's Secret Santa, please use this Secret Santa Survey Link to complete a short survey.  Mrs. Porter will contact you about how you would like to help.
You can help by:
  • Purchasing a specific gift or gifts from a child's wish list 
  • Making a financial contribution to Secret Santa.
  • Volunteering your time to organize the Secret Santa boxes and items.
  • Volunteering your time to shop with donated money.

2. The Growing Mound of Lost and Found
As we've had cooler and wetter weather, we've started seeing the Lost and Found Mound growing again.  Please ask your child to look through Lost and Found for any lost items.  If you are planning to join us for Thanksgiving Lunch, please take the time to look through Lost and Found while you are here. It will be organized to help you look so you don't have to search The Mound!

3. Also, please help by putting your child's name in all jackets, sweatshirts, or sweaters that he/she wears to school. (lunchboxes and water bottles, too)  We really do look for names and will return them to your child IF the item has a name in it.  Any items still in Lost and Found on Thursday, November 26 will be washed and donated.  Items in good condition are sold at a consignment store and the proceeds go to RBES Secret Santa or counseling needs that arise throughout the school year.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Battle of the Books - Details for Parents

Hello Fourth Grade Parents!

Below you will find the link to the BOB page for RBES that includes the full book list, journal page for students to record details about the book they are reading and quality questions that could be asked for that specific book, and the parent letter that was sent home last week.

                    Please contact your child's reading teacher if you have any questions!

                           Battle of the Books at RBES

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Attendance/Tardy Reminders

Excused Absences
1.  Excused Absence for Medical Reasons: Absences for which a student requires attention from a health care professional (i.e. doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, etc. . .) will always be excused when a note from the professional is provided to the school.
2.  Parent Note Excused Absence--Maximum of 5 Parent notes per year.  

Unexcused Absence: Any absences beyond the ten (10) parent excused absences, except those supported by documentation from a health care provider, are considered unexcused

Tardy: A student is tardy if he/she arrives after the start of the school day or leaves before the end of the school day, missing no more than three (3) hours. Arriving late or leaving early for a medical appointment can be an excused tardy as long as documentation from a medial professional is provided.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Activity Schedule!

Red Group:  Monday Art Tuesday P.E., Wednesday Music, Thursday Guidance/STEM,  Friday P.E. 

Blue Group:  Monday P.E., Tuesday Art, Wednesday P.E., Thursday Music,  Friday Guidance/STEM.

Green GroupMonday Guidance/STEM, Tuesday P.E., Wednesday Art, Thursday P.E.,  Friday Music. 

Yellow Group:  Monday Music, Tuesday Guidance/STEM, Wednesday P.E., Thursday Art, Friday P.E. 

Purple Group: Monday P.E., Tuesday Music, Wednesday Guidance/STEM, Thursday P.E., Friday Art.